$25 / ENTRY
- Price includes a T-Shirt, Tasting Notes from Judge(s), a Chance at Winning a Plaque
- Payment & Shirt size needed by 8/25/2023 to guarantee t-shirt!
VENMO: @Adam-Schulze-3 (mention shirt size as a comment)
CASH: Delivered in marked envelope to SASSY SISTERS DESIGN in New Bremen (check hours to verify they're open)
Rubber band a paper note around bottle designating:
- Brewer's name
- Contact info (phone# / email)
- Beer Style
- Suggested category to judge against
(Oktoberfest, Pale Ale / IPA, Porter / Stout, Amber / Red / Brown Ale, Light Ales / Lagers, Specialty)
Bottle Entries need to be delivered by 9/26/2023 (do not submit earlier than 9/1/2023):
- Deliver entry to SASSY SISTER DESIGN (again check their hours!)
- 2 Entries per person maximum
**Note: Beer Entry Category may be adjusted to better balance out the categories needed
- This competition is open to any amateur homebrewer age 21 or older.
- All mailed entries must be in 12 oz. bottles, and received at the mailing location by the shipping deadline - please allow for shipping time. Shipped entries will be put in refrigerated storage within 24 hours of receipt.
- All drop-off entries will be placed in refrigerated storage upon receipt.
- All entries must be handcrafted products, containing ingredients available to the general public but not from commercial recipe kits, and made using private equipment by hobbyist brewers (i.e., no use of commercial facilities or Brew on Premises operations, supplies, etc.).
- The competition organizers are not responsible for mis-categorized entries, mailed entries that are not received by the entry deadline, or entries that arrived damaged.
- The competition organizers reserve the right to combine styles for judging and to restructure awards as needed depending upon the quantity and quality of entries.
- Judges will evaluate and score each entry. The average of the scores will rank each entry in its category.
- Brewers are limited to two entries but may only enter each subcategory once.
- The competition committee reserves the right to combine overall style categories based on number of entries. All possible effort will be made to combine similar styles. All brews in combined categories will be judged according to the style they were originally entered in.
- The Best of Show judging will be determined by a Best of Show panel based on a second judging of the top winners.
- Bottles will not be returned to entrants.
Entrants and volunteers release and hold harmless the Minster Oktoberfest, Inc., its members, volunteers, and agents from any and all property damage, theft, and/or loss resulting and any claims or actions arising from participation as an entrant/volunteer in Oktoberfest Homebrew Competition. Entrant/volunteer agrees to comply with all rules and regulations. Entrants may be photographed or filmed, and these images may be used for promotional purposes.